You know what you need to do

But you can't get yourself to do it

That's a mental block

I can help you

Fix Your Sex Life

Faster than you thought possible

When the problem is in your head

I can help you with hypnosis

When it's in your unconscious

Hypnosis can help you

I work where the problem is

Traumas, anxieties, insecurities, they can live inside you.

Deep inside the unconscious.

They can hold you back.

That's the level I work on with hypnosis.

Working where the problem is allows for faster results.

I work quick

Hypnosis is not a long-term process.

Many times, one session is enough to get things breaking loose, and soon you're on your way.

You'll be amazed at how quickly things come loose when you go deep inside to deal with the stuff that's been holding you back.

Improve your life

Where the mind goes, the body follows.

Many have found relief with hypnosis while working with me.

Blocks break lose quickly.

You can get your life going

Would you like to be next?

Work where the problem is

Traumas, anxieties, insecurities - they can live inside you. Deep inside your mind. In what we call the unconscious mind.

And from there, they can hold you back.

That's the level I work on with hypnosis.

Working where the problem is allows for faster results.

Get results quickly

Hypnosis is not a long-term process.

Many times, one session is enough to get things breaking lose, and soon you're on your way.

You'll be amazed at how quickly things come loose when you go deep inside to deal with the stuff that's been holding you back.

Improve your sex life now

Where the mind goes, the body follows.

Many have found relief with hypnosis while working with me.

Would you like to be next?

Let's set you free today

Book your free consultation

We'll discuss your problem and how

to get you the results you want.

You'll start to finally take

control of your life


Gloria Brame

Sex Therapist Sends Me Clients

"As a long-time sex therapist, I occasionally have clients with issues neither therapists nor drugs have been able to remedy. From body dysmorphia to deep anxiety to erectile dysfunction, sometimes my clients need to resolve deep-seated issues that years of psychotherapy and sex therapy still haven’t fixed.  

I know from working with Terance myself that he has a special gift for using hypnotherapy to relieve anxiety.  His acumen in his field, combined with compassion and empathy, make him the right choice to help my clients get strong and calm enough to make huge progress in sex therapy after years (in one client’s case 20 years!) of working with psychologists.  

All the clients I’ve referred to Terance have been quite pleased with the results and returned to me ready and able to achieve their goals. I now know exactly where to send clients whose underlying issues have been blocking their progress."

Melanie Monzon

Lost Over Twenty Pounds

"I could go on and on about the process and how skilled Terance is at listening and honing in on addressing your unique needs, how comfortable I felt with him, and how easy it was to fall into trance under his direction.

The results are absolutely undeniable. One week after my first session, I was SHOCKED to discover that I had lost 8 lbs! I hadn't even made many behavioral changes at that point. To date, I have lost a little over 20 lbs in less than 2 months. The pounds are just melting off!

More importantly, there has been a gentle, yet seismic shift in my inner being.

I am amazed at the changes that have taken root in me as the result of my sessions with Terance. Any doubt or fear that I might not achieve my weight loss and health goals have been completely erased. Those doubts and fears have held me back in the past. But now, it feels like there is no possible way I can fail. That is tremendously liberating! Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!!!!" 


Gloria Brame

Panic Attacks Gone for Good

"When my husband died suddenly in 2021, I veered off into a state of anxiety that took a huge toll on my daily life.  I couldn’t stop shaking, and when I got back to cooking I felt almost panic-stricken just being in the kitchen, because my husband was a gourmet cook.  I consulted with Terance and he assured me that he could help. I was a little skeptical because I’d never been hypnotized and didn’t really believe it could work. 

To my surprise, from the first session on, a new kind of calmness started to take over.  Little by little, he worked with me on the anxiety, new stress factors in my life, and my grief -- including the depressing flashbacks I kept getting over the loss of my husband.  I was amazed by the results.  After 2-3 months, my old confidence re-emerged.  These days, I look forward to cooking, and often catch myself humming and singing as I’m chopping up veggies. 

What a total turn-around!  My chronic anxieties diminished, my grief was finally resolved, and I owe it all to Terance.  A+++++"

Melanie Monzon

Lost Over Twenty Pounds

I could go on and on about the process and how skilled Terance is at listening and honing in on addressing your unique needs, how comfortable I felt with him, and how easy it was to fall into trance under his direction.

The results are absolutely undeniable. One week after my first session, I was SHOCKED to discover that I had lost 8 lbs! I hadn't even made many behavioral changes at that point. To date, I have lost a little over 20 lbs in less than 2 months. The pounds are just melting off!

More importantly, there has been a gentle, yet seismic shift in my inner being.

I am amazed at the changes that have taken root in me as the result of my sessions with Terance. Any doubt or fear that I might not achieve my weight loss and health goals have been completely erased. Those doubts and fears have held me back in the past. But now, it feels like there is no possible way I can fail. That is tremendously liberating! Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!!!! 

Hi! I'm Terance Schmidt, certified hypnotist

I came to this field in an unusual way. And the way I got here means that you can feel comfortable telling me anything, because you certainly won't shock me or make me uncomfortable.

You see, before I started helping people fix their sex lives with hypnosis, I was a professional online BDSM master using hypnosis to show people an amazing time. In that time, I heard thousands of strange sex fantasies and hang-ups, which is why it's hard to shock me.

For over 12 years, I put a lot of time into making the best erotic hypnosis recordings I could, and then, a strange thing started to happen.

I started getting messages from people whose sex lives had improved! They told me it was thanks to my hypnosis.

Guys with erectile dysfunction mentioned their erections popping up again. People ashamed of their sexuality, their fantasies and desires, they were overjoyed to find that they became more comfortable with their sexuality. They were able to accept themselves. To feel good for a change.

And that was without even trying to fix anything.

Then, I doubled down on learning clinical hypnosis. Got certified, started studying with some of the world's top hypnosis trainers.

Then, after practicing on one of the world's best-known sex therapists, my dear friend Dr. Gloria Brame, she was so impressed with what I did for her that she began sending me supposedly incurable clients. Between my background and her partnership, it simply made sense to start helping people with their lives.


You do nothing

Clearly, if you do nothing, things

will stay the same.

You take action

You make a choice to do something to help yourself. Things start breaking loose for you. I'd love to be part of that.

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